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CIDInE (Centre for Research, Dissemination and Educational Intervention) is a non-profit organization created in 1991 (D. R - No. 260 of the III Series, dated 12 December 1991) with Tax Identification Number 502650338 and registered office at Rua do Carril, 67, 2º Esq, Aveiro, Portugal). Its main activity is in the field of Social Sciences, namely Education and Psychology. The researchers are integrated in different research lines that are articulated within the following research lines:

ï‚· Contexts and dimensions of human development;

ï‚· Learning and knowledge building;

ï‚· Curriculum development and training;

ï‚· Supervision and professional and institutional development;

ï‚·Teaching and innovation in Higher Education.


In this context, the centre has the following objectives:

1. To investigate human development in its different aspects and levels

2. To investigate the psychological and socio-cultural mechanisms of the processes of development and learning

3. Investigate the contents that should be included in curricula, the pedagogical principles they should rely on and the most appropriate strategies for their implementation.

4. To investigate the processes of supervision of the development of the actors of the educational institutions

5. Develop methodologies for research, dissemination and intervention

6. Communicate the results of experiences and studies carried out

7. Intervene in the fields of education and training in the education system and learning processes.


Its impact, in the course of its existence - beyond the innovative force of ideas inspired by the call for change and transformation of the conceptions and practices of the main educational actors - was translated, above all, in research and intervention projects in the area of ​​education and psychology in its different research lines and their intersection.


In one first phase, the centre was more focused on the contexts and dimensions of development human development, learning, curriculum development and training projects. In a second phase, the centre was more focused on supervision and personal, professional and institutional development as well as teaching and innovation in higher education.


The results of this activity allowed the creation of an editorial line with the publication of 6 CIDInE booklets and 8 books of CIDInE Editions. 19 books were also published within the CIDInE collection (edited by Porto Editora) and 5 NovaCIDInE books (also edited by Porto Editora).


The centre also held one national conference of CIDInE (‘Investigate, Disseminate and Intervene’ – 11/12 February 1999) at the University of the Azores and two international conferences: one in Florianópolis (Brazil, 5-7 April 2004, about the ‘Production on Professional Knowledge and Teaching in the Portuguese and Brazilian Educational Systems: Dynamics and Trends’) and the other in Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal, 29- 31 January 2009 about the ’New Contexts of Training, Research and Mediation’).


There were also more than a dozen of CIDInE colloquia in Portugal and Brazil in collaboration with higher education institutions. In 2013, CIDInE was accepted as a member of EERA (European Educational Research Association). In collaboration with the Portuguese Society of Educational Sciences, CIDInE organised the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER PORTO 2015 - ‘The Past, the Present and Future of Educational Research in Europe’) which took place at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Portugal, 1- 5 September 2015).


In 2015, CIDInE hosted and began to support the activities of the research project " Markers of training, innovation and research for the University of today and the next decade "involving some of its members.


Now, CIDInE integrates 85 Portuguese and Brazilian researchers from different universities and others higher education institutions.





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Centro de Investigação, Difusão e Intervenção Educacional
Apartado 5 (EC Aveiro)
3811-901 Aveiro





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